City provider



A market leader in outdoor communication, IGPDecaux has brought Advertising Street Furniture to Italy from the brilliant insights of Jean-Claude Decaux

We enhance the communication potential of brands

IGPDecaux's primary aim is to provide brands with the means and the best solutions for their Out Of Home communication: a capillary presence in the major Italian cities and in all urban contexts, combined with a range of increasingly technological and customised proposals, allows them not only to reach their targets effectively, but also to give them the opportunity to express their corporate values in the best possible way thanks to solutions with a high visual and communicative impact.

Underground stations, bus and tram shelters, airports, means of transport and various city spaces frequented daily by thousands of people become a powerful medium for one's own communication, while the adoption of the latest technology or fully customised solutions allows for a high degree of memorability: the so-called 'WOW effect'.

A series of measurement tools developed by IGPDecaux together with its technology partners allows not only for better planning of Out Of Home communication investments, but also for evaluating their effects so as to realise increasingly targeted and effective projects.


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We enhance the media potential of cities

The aim of IGPDecaux's activities is to develop - without ever going so far as to inflate it - the market for outdoor communication: a modern and conscious management of these media not only reduces their invasiveness, but actually contributes to the implementation of urban decorum. This is why we realise advertising communication products that enhance the media potential of cities and transform urban space into a place of communication for citizens and a medium of communication for customers.

A structure now in its twenties, IGPDecaux's experience is rooted in prestigious pre-existing realities: in fact, it was born out of the union between IGP - a leading company in public transport advertising owned by the du Chène de Vère family - and JCDecaux Comunicazione Esterna Italia, a subsidiary of the French JCDecaux group.

IGPDecaux has taken up and developed the inheritance received from the two preceding well-established companies by offering external communication that is increasingly customised to the needs of customers, useful to citizens and of pleasing design.

Our Sustainability Concept

The IGPDecaux reality 

IGPDecaux's figures speak for themselves: the company is responsible for the communication in the transport network of 72 cities for a total of 160 thousand spaces and the street furniture of 19 cities for 12 thousand spaces. Furthermore, it has been entrusted with 5 airports (one thousand spaces), the undergrounds of 5 cities (35 thousand spaces) and the billboards of 10 cities (one thousand spaces). Finally, in the Digital sector, 9 cities have entrusted it with a total of 570 spaces.

IGPDecaux can therefore boast a widespread presence throughout the country, where it aims to bring a new concept of advertising communication.

The development strategy passes through the creation, within IGPDecaux, of new structures capable of making the Out of Home sector more and more effective by increasing and improving visibility thanks to the generation of interesting and captivating content, offering support to experts in the sector in the realisation of creative and ad-hoc solutions to respond to specific needs, and finally interpreting events according to brand strategies. 
Always with a view to offering specialised support to our customers, we also provide an in-house office specialised in graphic and creative design for the enhancement of campaigns aimed at advertising spaces managed by IGPDecaux.

117,4 M

Turnover 2022




of urban furniture
in 19 cities


trolleybuses and buses
in 72 cities


Underground stations 
and trains 
in 5 cities


Advertising spaces 
in 5 airports


Advertising displays 
in 9 cities

117,4 M

Turnover 2022




of urban furniture
in 19 cities


trolleybuses and buses
in 72 cities


Underground stations 
and trains 
in 5 cities


Advertising spaces 
in 5 airports


Advertising displays 
in 9 cities


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our values


We want to develop the outdoor communication market without inflating it, on the contrary, by reducing its invasiveness and with the aim of contributing to the functional aesthetics of cities.


We want to base our leadership on absolute service and product quality and total customer satisfaction.

Human Resources

We are committed to offering our employees and collaborators the same opportunities for growth. We foster professional development and the assumption of responsibility. We value delegation as a decision-making and operational tool; we encourage and advocate teamwork and the pooling of skills.


We promote the building of a culture of responsibility, both internally and externally, and fully ethical behaviour.


We pay the utmost attention to waste management and recycling in order to minimise the environmental footprint of our services; to the reduction of environmental impact from the maintenance of advertising facilities; to the control and minimisation of energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

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